Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wherein I worry about reviews.

My book, in paperback form, can be found on Amazon.com, even though the world-wide release isn’t until July.
It's a very nerve-wracking prospect, now that I know people can (and hopefully will) read my book. I know it's good. I worked hard on it, my editor worked even harder on it, and yet I can't help but be plagued with doubt.

What if they think it's stupid? What if they hate it? I worry more about my friends not liking it than I do strangers, in some ways, because my friends will want to spare my feelings. Some stranger isn't going to worry that they're making me sad with a bad review.
I also worry about me and my reactions to the inevitable less than stellar review. I know on an intellectual level, that someone is bound to not like it, or not get it, or whatever. I like to think I'm mature enough to rise above it, and take the criticism in the spirit in which it is given, and not let it get to me.

I don’t want to be that person who can’t handle a bad review, a person who only reads the positive reviews, but at the same time, I don’t want to read negative criticism, because, well, who does, really?

The point I’m rather randomly making, is eventually someone’s going to post a review. If it’s a friend, they will probably sugar-coat it as much as possible, or say only nice things. If it’s a stranger, it may well be more honest, and therefore it might be a bit harsh. I just hope I’m strong enough to deal with both ends of the spectrum.

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