Tuesday, July 28, 2015

This is the hard part

Well the book is out, it's been bought by friends and family. Some people have given me feedback, but not as many as I'd like, just because I really want to know what people think! I need validation!

 More importantly, Ii want someone I don't know to read and review the thing, hopefully favorably, so I can feel like I've actually made a success of it.

I did just sign up for this thing - http://www.bookdaily.com/. It's 'free', but I think I may have to fork over some money if I really want to get it reviewed. I'll give it a few days and see what happens.

It's so strange, really. I've had this 'get published' goal since I was a young person, and now I am published. Not going to be the next JK Rowling (or even the next Stephenie Meyer or EL James, which is just frustrating) but I do want to know that somewhere, a stranger has picked my book because it looked interesting, and maybe even liked it.

Funny how when you reach a goal, there's always another one right behind it.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Big Day!

While people have been able to (and some have) buy the paperback version of Strange Business, today is the day it goes 'live' via e-book format.

In other words, it's the official release day. Woo!

I've not gotten any reviews as yet. I'm hoping - and dreading - that I will soon. For some reason I don't feel like it's officially a book until there's proof that someone's read it.

I just hope it gets decent reviews!

As realistic as I'm trying to be, there's a small part of me that dreams of Strange Business actually becoming a best-seller, and getting noticed by the masses. It's probably the same odds of hitting the lottery, so I'm not holding my breath, but I'd be fooling myself if I didn't acknowledge the hope.

Well, bring it on world. Let's see what happens next.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bits of Everything

I've been abroad the last two weeks, visiting my spiritual homeland of England, and when we came home I discovered my first box of books awaiting me. That was a nice way to cheer myself up at the end of a holiday.

I've also signed up to do a book festival in my former hometown of Collingswood NJ in October. I'm very excited about that.

My husband's co-worker bought a copy of Strange Business for his wife and apparently she likes it. She said it was a bit like the show 'Angel'. I'll take that as a compliment, that's for sure.

Speaking of reviews, Strange Business will be reviewed in The Book Breeze in July. I'm really nervous and excited about that.

I did get my first rating on Goodreads - 3 stars. Not too shabby.

It's funny when you put your book out there, it's just completely on its own, and you can't help but hope that it does well.

Well, if I'm honest with myself, what I really hope is that it becomes a runaway best-seller and Oprah mentions it on her show. Probably won't happen, but a girl can dream.