Sunday, October 4, 2015

Collingswood Book Festival

For much of my adult life I lived in Collingswood, NJ, a lovely little small town in Southern New Jersey. About 10 years ago, they started having a 'book festival' were authors of all stripes could come and hawk their books.

As a book-lover, I enjoyed these days, and had that vague 'maybe some day I'll be able to do that' fantasy. This year that fantasy came true. I had my very own table at the book festival.

It was, unfortunately held indoors instead of on the 'avenue' due to the rain, but was still well attended. Several friends of mine stopped by to say hello, and a few even bought a copy of my book. The best part for me was selling the book to someone I DIDN'T know. She read the back, said 'oh, this sounds good!' and bought it. That was a thrill.

Others took my card that had the info were they could find the book, and the discount coupon my publisher gave me.

My wonderful and very talented friend made the cards and that lovely sign you see in the photo.

All in all, a very good day.


  1. Hi Carol! Wanted to let you know I read your book and loved it! I hope you come out with another one in the series. :)

    P.S. I'm a TWRP author too. Hope to see you around the WRP loops!

    1. Thank you Karilyin (Awesome first name, by the way!)

      I need to get onto the forums, I just never seem to get around to it. I'm a terrible procrastinator.

      When I got your message, my first thought was 'cool, I'm going to go get her books so I can read them.' You have a lot of books! Going to take me awhile. :) They all look so good, too.

      Thanks for coming to my blog! I definitely will 'see' you on the loops one of these days.

